What is Deeply Boring?

I explain the writing focus for Deeply Boring here.

But why am I doing this? One reason is that we are at a delicate moment, an introspective moment.

  • Our confidence in democracy and liberal institutions has been shaken;

  • Our belief in free markets and capitalism is in question;

  • Technology is both an empowering and destabilizing force in society;

  • People, especially our younger generation, feel disillusioned, angry and unsure.

Mired in frustration and disillusionment, we are tempted to externalize our confusion and resentment, often projecting this negative energy onto people of other tribes and finding flaws with unsatisfactory institutions.

But is that the best we can hope for? I have more faith. I believe that through introspection and by seeking authenticity in all we do, we can reclaim purpose and meaning for ourselves and how we contribute to society - by seeing each other more truly, and valuing each other more deeply.

Institutions, markets and technology do not fail because they are bad. They fail because we put faith in them without holding ourselves sufficiently accountable for putting human flourishing at the center of them. This is a cultural more. It cannot be accomplished by fiat. It must be accomplished the hard way: one relationship at a time, by committing to valuing each other despite our disagreements and differences.

Who are you writing for?

And so, my writing seeks out basic truths, shared experiences, and common ground. I write about my journey, stumbles and all, in seeking authenticity in every aspect of what I do: to be deeply boring at work, at home and in my inner life.

Even though I use my own life experiences as the basis for my writing, my intended audience is you: my fellow travelers trying to do life. I hope my writings are a good companion in your journey. If what you read prompts contemplation, consider talking to someone about what you’re thinking about - whether at work, at home or elsewhere.

Why subscribe?

I post some exclusive content here; my ideas are more easily navigable; you get an email when new content comes out. I welcome you to subscribe, but growing my subscriber count isn’t all that important to me in the sense that I am not possessed of any emptiness which is filled by that vanity.

Rather, subscriptions to me are just a mechanism for connection, one more means to act out a fundamental belief that we are all part of a bigger story, and that each of us - but most critically you - can make a difference. So I don’t mind if you don’t subscribe, but I earnestly care if you do, especially if it could help you, or someone you know.

By providing you, and others you know, with a way to connect with each other, the conversation widens, and the positive change that happens in our lives can happen elsewhere too.

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Observations, on life de-lacquered.


I write about the porosity between our work, home and inner life spheres.